Sunday, January 24, 2010

Journal Post: Description #3

This is Adobo, a customary dish of Arequipa usually eaten Sunday mornings. Lets call it church soup. It has pork, it is hot, and it is spicy. I like it. It goes great with the wonderful bread they have here. To make adobo, you must begin the day before with the pork. To properly prepare your pork, you must give it a soak in chopped up Aji colorado(a hot pepper), Garlic, and chicha de Jora (which is made from purple corn juice -wiƱapo-mixed with some pinapple peel -boiled together- and slightly fermented)and a dash of vineger. That you let soak for a day. Than (according to my mother in law), you boil it. But while boiling, you throw in a sprig of laurel, some oregano, and cinnamon. When the meat is tender, you clove an onion and toss that in. The result- Church soup ... Adobo. Yummy, but you have to brush your teeth again.


  1. Even though it looks like French onion soup, I bet it tastes better.

  2. I am sure your mother-in-law was shocked that you asked how to make it. Men in Peru don't cook.
