Monday, January 11, 2010

Journal Post

What happened to me this weekend while you were all starving for a new post, you ask? A seven hour bus ride through a barren desert thats what happened. I am currently in Tacna, one of my favorite places. It is a mere half an hour from the border with Chile and although I have never crossed into Chile that way, it´s comforting to know it´s over there. (My mother is Chilean). Anywho, satuday I was frantically assembling a audio slide show for our reception on Friday (For my Wife´s Peruvian family) and also designing some thank you cards. I am in Tacna because this is how I am going to travel to Puno and Cuzco with my Parents and Brother (sans Malu), who were in Chile and came up for the wedding.
Quick note about why this all happended so haphazardly- My eldest Brother and Buddy Passes. My father and one of my brothers flew to Chile on a buddy pass. This is a pass that you can buy if you know someone in the business and the pass it along. They are way cheap, but this time a year it is a BAD IDEA. First of all, it´s the holiday season so everyone is flying (buddy passes are basically the extra seats on flights, so if the flight is full... well, you get the idea). And also, coming back from Chile or Peru is bad because the planes are carrying Asparagus from Peru andm Grapes from Chile. They have to go by wieght and they make more money witgh the product than with passengers.
That being said, my brother had to go back to the States and it was an ordeal. My parents were supposed to arrive here on the 8th, but that was fouled up. So now, I find myself in Tacna. More to come after the long journey.

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