Friday, January 8, 2010

Observation #2, Description #2

Today I saw something that I have never seen before. A woman taxista (taxi driver). As I promised previosly, I need to explain the transportation here a bit.
It´s crazy.
That being said, part of the insanity consists of little Japanese (Chinese?), made cars that only have 4 gears and are everywhere. They are generally yellow, but come in all colors of the rainbow. They generally have lots of stickers and ads on them, ranging from Looney Tunes to local Tourist services. Funny thing is, some taxista´s actually try to trick out thier rides. Speakers, lights, etc. There are usually lots of little relics and things hanging from the rear view. Air fresheners, decent sized pictures of the ¨Virgin de Chapi¨ (which will have to be explained another day, and other such things.
Check out the Ticos:

Now that you know, this lady was a taxista, and the first one I´d ever seen. I had to ask her how long she´d been doing taxi work. On and off for 15 years. I asked her if she enjoyed it. Shed doesn´t mind it. It was a short ride, so that´s all I got. But there you go: ticos.

1 comment:

  1. Well, good to know there is always a career for Malu to fall back on.
