Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Journal Post: Observation #7: Transportation

I was told by my boss that driving here was like navigating a river, you just ¨Go with the flow¨ try to stay above the current. Today, my combi (the Van that serves as public transport) failed to ¨go with the flow¨ and hit another combi. Or rather, turning right from the inside lane (which didn´t exist, it was actually just one lane with too many cars in it), he cut off another combi also turning right and caused that combi to hit his rear quarter. What do you suppose happened? The door collectors yelled at each other for a moment and then everyone went about their business. That´s usually the way fender benders go around here. It´s a hassle to do the insurance thing here and nobody really has it anyway, so the shops are wizards at fixing things cheaply and will Macguyver anything.
Something I noticed when I first got to Peru is that people drive with all five senses. Especially sight and sound. Therefore, people here constantly honk the horn. Maybe because it´s fun, maybe to alert other drivers of thier presence, but whatever the reason, it´s a constant noise.
Also, the combis and taxis make driving a nightmare. Always stopping in the road, weaving in and out of traffic, making intersections way more complicated than they need to be.
Round abouts with stop lights ... Wha???
Nobody honors the rules of the road. The only rule is, if the other guy doesn´t stop, you probably should. And if you are a pedestrian, right of way goes the the car.
Another funny thing my boss said about driving here, ¨Don´t look at the other guy, if you look, it´s a sign of weakness, and you may have to yield. Just keep going and the other person will stop.
SPEED BUMPS EVERYWHERE. This is probably to make up for lack of police, but they are serious about the speed bumps.
Roads that have large potholes and very poor marking. Where is the money to repair roads? The Peruvians don´t know either appearantly.
And another rule that I´ve heard mentioned, ¨The nicer car has the right of way¨. If you hit a nice car, chances are that car´s owner will give you a lot of greif. As opposed to a not so nice car.

All I know is that it´s a valient soul here who gets behind the wheel.


  1. Remember that time I was in a combi in Peru and it struck and (I assume) killed someone. Then the driver DROVE OFF and deposited all of us in an alleyway and said if we talked he'd kill us? Yeah, good times. So I know what you mean.

  2. Don´t you mean Brazil? I don´t think you´ve ever been in Peru...
