Monday, March 15, 2010

What I do.

Here in Arequipa, I spend the bulk of my days in the Church of Latter Day Saints Employment Center. Here I teach a class that helps orient people in finding work and interacting with their resources. It's a nice job and I like helping people, so I find it rewarding. It's a nice building, and my bosses are good types so everything is good on that front. As far as what else I do: I am the new media specialists for the center and as part of this, I manage a newsletter and website. The website is located here:

I know, I know. VERY SIMPLE. But what do you expect? My bosses aren't technological geniuses and they need to manage it after I leave, in a mere two months. That being said, the thing I enjoy about what I do is that I can help people that have very little hope and very little optimism in the economy and I can help situate them. The LDS employment center is very "Teach a man to fish" oriented and I find that refreshing.
The economic situation in Peru ... Well. Like anything, there is opportunity for those willing to work. It is not easy here. A normal monthly salary here for around 50-60 hours a week would probably fall around 500 ./S . That's roughly 180 bucks a month. It's a tough environment, but one can be successful. Currently, there is a boom of micro finances and small businesses. I enjoy seeing that because it creates a more favorable market overall. I do what I can to get people to communicate with each other so that employment and self employment is easier and more profitable.